Risk Warning
SCH Advisors focuses primarily on the provision of investments and services that are regarded as high risk or ‘speculative’ investments. Investments in small companies, derivative products and investments that are not readily realisable are considered high risk investments and are not suitable for all investors. High risk or speculative investments are not generally suitable for investors who are seeking to preserve capital or earn income through investment. Investments in high risk products should only be considered as suitable for high risk investors or as part of an overall balanced portfolio of investments.
This website does not take into account specific investment goals, the financial situation or specific requirements of individual users. Hence, you should carefully consider your financial situation and consult your financial advisors as to the suitability of your situation prior to making an investment or entering into a transaction.
Please consider the following risk factors which, although significant, do not necessarily comprise all of the risks associated with an investment product:
Not all financial products are suitable for all investors.
Before entering into any transaction you should ensure that you understand and have made an independent assessment of the suitability and appropriateness of the transaction into which you are entering and the nature and extent of your exposure to risk of loss in light of your own objectives, financial and operational resources and other relevant circumstances.
All investments involve a degree of risk. The value of an investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the money you invested. It should not be assumed that the value of investments always rises.
You should ensure that you have the financial capacity to bear the risk and only invest an amount you are willing to lose. Investors should build a diversified portfolio to spread risk.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results and higher risk investments carry the risk that some or all of the capital invested may be lost. The price of investments can change quickly and go down as well as up.
Higher risk or speculative investments have wider spreads on price and are more illiquid and in some circumstances it may be difficult to sell at any price.
Smaller company shares can be relatively illiquid, meaning they could be harder to trade, which makes them higher risk.
When committing funds to high risk investments, you may not be able to realise your investment within your overall time-scale, if at all (i.e. how long it will take before you can get your money back).
Investments in IPOs and placings involve a high degree of risk and are not suitable for all investors. All investments made into an IPO or new issue should always be made solely on the information provided in the relevant Prospectus and any other supplementary documentation.
Some investments such as contracts for difference use leverage which can magnify gains but equally can magnify losses. Leveraged products may lose investors more than the amount they initially invested.
You should not engage in trading leveraged products unless you understand the nature of the transaction you are entering into, the risk involved and the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss.
Risk can be brought about by the performance of world markets, interest rates, taxes on income and capital, and foreign exchange rates.
Investors should carefully consider their own personal financial circumstances before dealing in the markets. If you have any doubts about suitability of an investment you should seek professional advice.
Company Policies
Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)
We are committed to ensuring that our customers are treated fairly and that the fair treatment of our clients is at the heart of the firm.
We believe that customers are the most important aspect to our business and we endeavour to provide a service that is consistent to what our customer expects.
Our TCF policy is embedded within our firm and covers all aspects of our business from senior management to our client facing staff.
We will always try to ensure that our products and services marketed and sold are designed to meet the specific needs of our individual clients and are in keeping with their investment objectives. Communication with clients will be clear, fair and not misleading and clients will be kept appropriately informed before, during and after the point of sale.
Wherever possible, clients will have access to their portfolios online via a secure internet login so that they have complete transparency of their portfolios.
Our staff will remain at all times trained and competent to do their jobs and deal with customers in a friendly, helpful and efficient manner.
Policies and Procedures
To ensure that the highest standards are maintained we have in place the following policies and procedures:
An investment committee and policy which ensures that our defined investment process is followed on the investments that we recommend.
An account opening process which ensures that we know our clients and that advice given is suitable for each individual.
An inducement policy which ensures that our staff do not receive or give inducements if they are likely to conflict with a duty owed to our clients.
A Conflicts of Interest policy which sets out any issues which may have an impact on the independence of advice and any actions taken by the company’s staff and ensures that advice given is clear, fair and not misleading.
Chinese Walls exist within the firm to restrict the flow of information between departments.
An Aggregation and Allocation Policy, which sets out the criteria by which aggregated client orders are managed and promptly allocated to individual client accounts.
A Personal Account dealing policy which ensures that personal trading does not conflict with customers interests.
A Data Protection policy that ensures that the personal and sensitive information held on behalf of our customers is maintained in a secure and confidential environment.
Risk warnings that are clear and easy to understand.
SCH Advisors has a dedicated compliance team that monitors communications with clients to ensure that their requirements are being met at all times and that conflicts of interest are appropriately managed.
SCH Advisors is completely independent when advising clients meaning that we are not tied to any financial institution, thereby enabling us to source the most appropriate products for our clients from the most reputable third parties.
SCH Advisors LLC regards information as proprietary if sharing that information with the public would undermine its competitive position. Proprietary information may include information on products or systems which, if shared with competitors, would render the firms investment therein less valuable. Further, SCH Advisors LLC regard information as confidential if there are obligations to customers or other counterparty relationships binding the firm to confidentiality. In the event that any such information is omitted, we shall disclose such and explain the grounds why it has not been disclosed.